W. Phil Ratcliff is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and member of the Financial Planning Association. Serving clients at rebel Financial in Groveport, OH and the surrounding communities.
What is rebel Financial?
Phil Ratcliff is a Columbus, OH certified Fee-Only financial planner and Registered Investment Advisor. rebel Financial provides comprehensive financial planning, retirement planning, college planning, and investment management to help people plan for a brighter financial future, while adhering to their core values. rebel Financial has a fiduciary duty to serve the client’s best interests.Learn more about what makes us differentOur Team:
A team is only as strong as it individual parts. Fortunately, one of the strengths of being small is that we have the ability to recruit, train, and monitor all of our team members on an individual basis. We are proud of the wonderful team we have to serve you. Read MoreOur Investment Philosophy:
There are many financial companies, firms and advisors out there that would like you to believe that they have figured out the “magical recipe” to investment success and that you must work with them to learn the complex secrets to success. Successful financial planning and good investment performance are not complex, however, they are not easily accomplished either. There is no secret behind how we help our clients succeed and we’ll share it with you now, even if you’re not a client. Read on…See how you can hire us:
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