Shirley Stacy Sanchez,  CFP<sup>&reg;</sup> - Financial Advisor

Shirley Stacy Sanchez, CFP®

Pioneer Wealth Management

800 W. 5th Street
Austin, TX 78703
(512) 334-6800 CONNECT WITH Shirley
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Shirley Sanchez is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and member of the Financial Planning Association. Serving clients at Pioneer Wealth Management in Austin, TX and the surrounding communities.

Financial Advisor Certifications

Securities Registrations or Exam Qualifications

Designations & Certifications


Insurance Licenses

  • Life insurance
  • Health/disability insurance
  • Property/casualty
  • Fixed annuities

Financial Advisor's Specialties

Attending College, Budget & Debt Management, Comprehensive Financial Planning, 401(k)/403(b)/IRAs, Buying a Home, Career Change, Asset Allocation, Bankruptcy, Investment Management, Employee Benefits, Mutual Funds, Irregular Income, Getting Married, Real Estate, Job Loss, Retirement, Stocks & Bonds, Life Planning, Starting a Family, Sudden Wealth, Nontraditional Households, Special Needs, Women's Finances


Helpful Financial Planning Resources