Paul  Monax,  CFP<sup>&reg;</sup> - Financial Advisor

Paul Monax, CFP®

Irregular Income Specialist

Agile Wealth, LLC

7075 S Garrison St
Littleton, CO 80128-8028
(720) 722-3671 CONNECT WITH Paul
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Paul Monax is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and member of the Financial Planning Association. Serving clients at Agile Wealth, LLC in Littleton, CO and the surrounding communities.

Financial Advisor Overview

Is the unpredictable nature of irregular income causing you stress?
Do you feel like you can't plan 3-6 months into the future let alone decades for retirement?
Have you ever thought that turning that variability into a steady consistent paycheck would relieve stress and friction for you and your family?


Financial Advisor Experience

Agile Wealth is the culmination of several aspects of my life all coming together to help you turn irregular income into something you can count on Today + Tomorrow.
After spending several years working for a couple of boutique software consulting firms I launched a solo firm leaving steady paychecks behind.
My career in Personal Finance took a similar path, working for someone to learn the industry for 7 years before launching my firm in 2021.
Because of my personal experiences, I have focused my firm on helping turn irregular income into something you and your family can plan for Today + Tomorrow.

Financial Advisor Certifications

Securities Registrations or Exam Qualifications


Designations & Certifications


Broker-Dealer Affiliation


Financial Advisor's Specialties

Comprehensive Financial Planning, Irregular Income, Retirement, Personal Taxes


Helpful Financial Planning Resources