Paul A. Caylor,  CFP<sup>&reg;</sup> - Financial Advisor

Paul A. Caylor, CFP®

Founder & Chief Financial Strategist

Prudent Wealth

15036 Lakeside Trl SW
Huntsville, AL 35803-4803
(970) 225-6169 CONNECT WITH Paul
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Paul Caylor is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and member of the Financial Planning Association. Serving clients at Prudent Wealth in Huntsville, AL and the surrounding communities.

Financial Advisor Overview

I've observed that many people's financial situations can change dramatically overnight. My goal is to help you identify your current financial objectives, understand your present position, and chart a path to where you want to be. Together, we will: Understand the emotions that influence your financial decisions. Develop practical knowledge about cash flow and investing. Approach financial challenges with energy and a positive mindset. Create a life that is both financially and spiritually fulfilling, free from the constraints of outdated patterns and habits around money. Focus not just on monetary goals, but on achieving a fuller sense of happiness, fulfillment, and meaning in your life. Collaborate to uncover your most heartfelt dreams and create a vision for the future. Develop and implement a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your unique needs. Through this process, I empower clients to move confidently forward, enabling them to live a life they truly enjoy.


Financial Advisor Experience

I have been in the financial services industry since 1991, beginning my career in banking before transitioning to financial planning. In 2004, I launched my own financial planning business with a major Fortune 500 company. After 22 years with that firm, I decided to pursue a new path as an independent Wealth Advisor and founded Prudent Wealth in 2020.

Financial Advisor Certifications

Securities Registrations or Exam Qualifications

7, 6, 24, 65, 66

Designations & Certifications


Insurance Licenses

  • Life insurance: AL,CA,CO,MT,WI
  • Health/disability insurance: AL,CA,CO,MT,WI
  • Fixed annuities: AL,CA,CO,MT,WI
  • Variable annuities: AL,CA,CO,MT,WI

Broker-Dealer Affiliation

Kestra Investment Services, LLC

Broker-Dealer Disclaimer

Securities offered through Kestra Investment Services, LLC (Kestra IS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Kestra Advisory Services, LLC (Kestra AS), an affiliate of Kestra IS. Prudent Wealth is not affiliated with Kestra IS or Kestra AS. Kestra IS and Kestra AS do not provide tax or legal advice.

Financial Advisor's Specialties

Comprehensive Financial Planning, 401(k)/403(b)/IRAs, Annuities, Charitable & Planned Giving, Career Change, Asset Allocation, Estate Planning, Investment Management, Government & Military, Mutual Funds, Getting Married, Identity Theft, Job Loss, Insurance, Life Planning, Retirement, Stocks & Bonds, Long-term Care, Starting a Family, Medical & Health Issues, Sudden Wealth, Men's Finances, Personal Taxes, Women's Finances


Helpful Financial Planning Resources
